Take the First Step Toward Your Wellness Goals

Our 90-minute individual consultation with a Registered Dietitian is a great starting point for anyone looking to improve their health and wellness.

This comprehensive session is designed to provide you with personalized guidance, expert advice, and a tailored nutrition plan that fits your unique needs and lifestyle.



What your can expect:

1. In-Depth Assessment: Prior to your consultation, our dietitian will conduct a thorough assessment of your current dietary habits, health history, lifestyle, and goals. We’ll dive deep into understanding your nutritional needs and any specific concerns you may have.

2. Personalized Nutrition Plan: Based on the assessment and collaborative 90-minute consult, you will receive a customized nutrition plan designed to help you achieve your health goals. Whether you are looking to manage a medical condition, lose weight, improve your athletic performance, or simply eat healthier, our dietitian will create a plan that works for you.

3. Expert Guidance and Education: Our dietitian will provide you with evidence-based advice and practical tips on how to make healthier food choices, meal plan, and optimize your lifestyle habits. You’ll gain valuable insights into nutrition and how to implement changes that supports your well-being.

4. Follow-Up Support: After your initial consultation, follow-up sessions can be booked on an as-needed basis. These sessions are designed to provide ongoing support, monitor your progress, and make any necessary adjustments to your nutrition plan. Whether you need a quick check-in or a more in-depth follow-up, our dietitian is here to help you move towards your goals!

Nutritionists are part of your bigger healthcare team

Registered Dietitians are trained professionals whose number one goal is to help ensure your whole health. They bring a comprehensive understanding of food, nutrition, energy demands, and lifestyle habits into the bigger picture of your medical landscape.

Some scenarios in which a nutritionist might join your medical team:

  • You've been told by a family physician or specialist that you have high blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, blood sugars, or triglycerides that need to be improved to promote longevity and health. 

  • Your family physician, OBGYN, or endocrinologist is concerned about your hormonal health, and has indicated that modifications to your diet and lifestyle could assist with PCOS, menstrual cycle symptoms, hypothalamic amenorrhea, and other symptoms of hormonal imbalances.

  • Your family physician or OBGYN has confirmed you are entering menopause, and you're seeking guidance on how best to support your metabolism, muscle mass, weight, and essential mineral needs (like calcium!) during this time. 

  • Your doctor has expressed concerns regarding your fasting blood sugar, and you'd like to adopt nutrition and lifestyle protocols to optimize your blood sugar, manage diabetes or pre-diabetes, and promote overall health. 

  • Your family physician has run routine blood work and noted that you are low in essential nutrients like iron, Vitamin D, or Vitamin B12. 

  • Your physiotherapist has noted that for you to make the most of your current exercise program or to meet your next fitness goal, you need a nutrition program that can support you in ensuring you have the energy and muscle mass to get you there!

  • A family doctor or specialist has indicated that your current medical diagnosis could be improved by healthy and sustainable weight loss

  • Your physician or gastroenterologist has diagnosed you with a GI disorder like Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis, IBS, a food intolerance, or celiac disease, and you're struggling with how to plan a diet around your trigger foods, FODMAPS, or other new restrictions. 

Nutritionists can help you manage your unique lifestyle challenges & goals!

There doesn't always need to be a 'problem' with your health, bloodwork, or hormones in order to benefit from the support of a Registered Dietitian. The team at Vitality Nutrition are experts in helping you use the power of food to better adapt to new lifestyle changes, and to meet your unique goals head on!

Some scenarios in which a nutritionist might join your medical team:

  • You are experiencing sleep disturbances and/or are navigating meal planning for night shifts. You know that balancing your meals and snacks can support sleep quality and cycles, but need guidance to make the most of it!

  • You are an athlete who eats well and has a strong understanding of nutrition, but are wondering if there are small tweaks you can make with your food choices, meal timing, and supplementation to further support your athletic performance.

  • You are in charge of meals for not only yourself, but also the full family! You are looking for support in sourcing meals that are satisfying, quick, and meet the nutritional needs of the whole home. 

  • You are looking to start a family, and want to ensure that your nutrition and lifestyle habits are supporting you in this goal!

  • You follow a gluten-free, vegetarian, or vegan diet and want to ensure your daily nutritional needs are being met in light of these choices or restrictions.

The best part of Individualized Nutrition Support is that it's just that - individualized! Whether you are looking for a one-off consult or a long-termer term coaching package, the team at Vitality Nutrition is ready to find the program that's best for you!


How Individualized Nutrition Support Works

Our Individualized Nutrition Support program combines an initial assessment with as many or as few follow-up appointments as required to help you meet your unique goal! Wanting to discuss a plan before booking your initial assessment? Contact us directly!


This comprehensive initial assessment allows the Registered Dietitians at Vitality Nutrition to understand your goals, nutrition intake, and lifestyle habits. Prior to your appointment you'll complete a food intake log and lifestyle questionnaire which will help your nutritionist understand exactly what a week in your life looks like! From here, we'll discuss your specific concerns, goals, and challenges, then work together to create a customized strategy that may include menu planning, supplementation recommendations, lifestyle changes, and more!


30-60 MINUTE FOLLOW-UP - $70- $130

We'll continue to meet as often or as casually as is necessary to help you get where you're going with confidence and support! These 30 or 60-minute follow-up sessions allow your Registered Dietitian to continue fostering your understanding of nutrition, and to refine and expand on the initial recommendations provided in your first appointment.

Ongoing work with your Registered Dietitian can help promote overall health, support body-weight or blood-work targets, and promote a holistic sense of wellbeing. 


Hungry for more?

Don't forget to check out the additional programs and packages provided by the Registered Dietitians at Vitality Nutrition.

Comprehensive Nutrition Coaching
Fundamental 4 Online Course

Questions about how the Vitality Nutrition team can best support you on your journey towards optimal health and wellness? Contact us directly and we would be glad to discuss what options are best suited for you!

Not sure where to start? Contact us to discuss a plan!