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Hungry for more?
Check out all that Vitality Nutrition has to offer!

Our team of Registered Dietitians in Saskatoon are here to support you through...

Comprehensive Nutrition Coaching 

As Vitality Nutrition's most popular service, our 3-month 'Comprehensive Nutrition Coaching' program pairs you with a nutritionist and Registered Dietitian in Saskatoon for three months of planning, communication, education, and habit development unique to you.

Sessions available in-person or online. 

More about Comprehensive Nutrition Coaching

Individualized Nutrition Support

Whether you're looking to find assistance with a specific diet plan, follow-up on the recommendations of a healthcare provider, or 'test the waters' working one-on-one with a Registered Dietitian, the team at Vitality Nutrition is here to help! Let's build a plan that's right for you. 

Sessions available in-person or online.

Get started with Individualized Nutrition Support

Fundamental Four Online Course

The Fundamental Four Formula is the foundational approach used by the Registered Dietitians at Vitality Nutrition. This four-week online course gives you everything you need to know about incorporating this strategy into your daily life, and building nutrition and lifestyle habits that last!

This program is offered online!

More on the Fundamental Four Online Course