25. Twenty Lessons from a Successful Nutrition Coaching Client | Get Started On Your Nutrition Journey

Our Registered Dietitians share twenty tips from a successful virtual nutrition coaching client. Utilize these strategies to get started on your health and wellness journey!

Summary of our virtual nutrition coaching client's tips:

  1. Add protein
  2. Focus on hydration
  3. Add fluids when you increase fibre
  4. Consistency is key
  5. Movement is a pillar
  6. Prioritize time outside
  7. Food is more than fuel
  8. Raise kids who have a healthy relationship with food
  9. Model healthy habits for children
  10. Sleep is key
  11. Too much screen time is unsupportive of mental health
  12. "Be before you become" (ie. focus on behaviours over results)
  13. Implement the division of responsibility (a strategy for feeding children)
  14. Don't be afraid of the fats in foods
  15. Food tracking can be a valuable tool 
  16. Tune into body cues
  17. Add 'volume' foods
  18. Utilizes Vitality Nutrition's "Fundamental Four" as an effective + manageable approach to nutrition
  19. Create a supportive environment to make good habits easier
  20. Food isn't good or bad

You can read the full blog article here

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The Vitality Nutrition Team